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Exploring AI and Smart Technologies in Entrepreneurship: The Future of Business Strategies

Exploring AI and Smart Technologies in Entrepreneurship: The Future of Business Strategies
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Author(s): Armana Hakim Nadi (Bangladesh University of Professionals, Bangladesh), Krishna Paul (Laurentian University, Canada), Kazi Ayman Ahshan (The University of Adelaide, Australia), Sadia Rahman (Bangladesh University of Professionals, Bangladesh)and Dipta Paul (New York University, USA)
Copyright: 2024
Pages: 17
Source title: Utilizing AI and Smart Technology to Improve Sustainability in Entrepreneurship
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Syed Far Abid Hossain (BRAC University, Bangladesh)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1842-3.ch014


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The fusion of AI and smart tech is revolutionizing entrepreneurship, reshaping strategies, and driving innovation. This abstract explores their collaborative potential for a successful entrepreneurial future. Entrepreneurs use AI for data-driven decisions, predicting market trends with unmatched accuracy. The symbiotic relationship between entrepreneurship and smart technologies is reshaping strategies, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. Entrepreneurs leverage blockchain, AI, IoT, and social media for global reach, facing challenges such as ethical concerns and the need for strategic integration to thrive in the evolving digital era. Challenges include ethical considerations and data security. Entrepreneurs must navigate these issues for responsible AI use. This abstract envisions a future where AI and smart tech are crucial collaborators. Entrepreneurs adept at utilizing these technologies can reshape markets and disrupt established models. Embracing this revolution is imperative for companies aspiring to thrive in future landscapes.

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