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Faculty Development for Clinical Educators: A Competency Model for Continuous Improvement

Faculty Development for Clinical Educators: A Competency Model for Continuous Improvement
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Author(s): Silvia Lizett Olivares Olivares (Tecnologico de Monterrey School of Medicine, Mexico), Mildred Vanessa López Cabrera (Tecnológico de Monterrey School of Medicine, Mexico), Martha Ruth Loyola Segura (Tecnologico de Monterrey School of Medicine, Mexico)and Jorge Eugenio Valdez García (Tecnologico de Monterrey School of Medicine, Mexico)
Copyright: 2018
Pages: 24
Source title: Teacher Training and Professional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Information Resources Management Association (USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5631-2.ch072


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Since the Flexner report in the 20th century, teaching and learning process has evolved through: science learning, problem based learning, competency based learning and perspective learning. This evolution provides a consensus that educators need to develop competencies in their students to prepare them for an uncertain future. Competency refers not only to core knowledge or instrumental skills, but to interpersonal and systemic abilities required for lifelong learning. This transformation requires changes in both the educational model and faculty development programs. Previous research and proposals have defined important qualities and attributes; for clinical educators. The Faculty Development program presented here has been assessed with a mixed multiphase approach for continuous improvement process: 1) assessment of proposal, 2) assessment of implementation, 3) assessment of faculty experiences and 4) institutionalization of program. Results from this experience are presented, as well as other further challenges on this initiative.

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