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Global Warming and Pesticides in Water Bodies

Global Warming and Pesticides in Water Bodies
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Author(s): Sanjeevi Ramakrishnan (NIMS University, India)and Anuradha Jayaraman (NIMS University, India)
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 16
Source title: Handbook of Research on the Adverse Effects of Pesticide Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystems
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Khursheed Ahmad Wani (Government Degree College Bijbehara, India)and Mamta (Jiwaji University, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6111-8.ch023


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Over the last few decades, significant effort has been undertaken to record the effect, fate, and transport of pesticides into surface water and groundwater. The functional aspect of climate change and pollutant interactions induces vulnerability on species and populations and reveals the onset of adverse events by triggering the nature's threshold. Erstwhile climate change by itself will affect the environmental distribution and induces prominent toxicity of various chemical toxicants like pesticides. Despite of their potential toxicity towards the beneficial organisms and even to human beings, their use is mandatory to improve the productivity and high-quality life standards. In general, climate change alters the efficiency of pesticide use and can also be expected. But their leaching pollutes ground water. Research on the effects of climate change, on the environmental fate and behavior of pesticides and their mechanisms of action between the environmental compartments has been reviewed in this chapter.

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