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Harmonizing Productivity of Employees via Work-Life Balance in Remote Working: Projecting Sound Sleep, Health, and Well-Being for Boosting Organizational Performance

Harmonizing Productivity of Employees via Work-Life Balance in Remote Working: Projecting Sound Sleep, Health, and Well-Being for Boosting Organizational Performance
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Author(s): Bhupinder Singh (Sharda University, India), Christian Kaunert (Dublin City University, Ireland)and Komal Vig (Sharda University, India)
Copyright: 2024
Pages: 17
Source title: Reskilling the Workforce for Technological Advancement
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Oytun Meçik (Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0612-3.ch008



Maintaining a healthy work-life balance has become increasingly important in today's remote work environment, and it has a significant impact on employees' overall productivity. Improving productivity entails numerous dynamics, with a focus on the relationship between health, well-being, and enough sleep. Understanding and fulfilling the diverse requirements of employees becomes increasingly important as firms deal with the problems provided by geographically distributed teams. This chapter investigates the connection between work-life balance and workers' health and well-being, as well as how it might increase production and improve an organization's overall performance. When employees have sufficient time for personal life and relaxation, they are better able to focus their attention and energy on their work tasks. This leads to improved productivity, enhanced creativity, and increased engagement like flexible work hours, clear communication, remote work policies, promote self-care, technological tools, and employee support programs.

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