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Occurrence of Pesticides and Their Removal From Aquatic Medium by Adsorption

Occurrence of Pesticides and Their Removal From Aquatic Medium by Adsorption
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Author(s): Irfan Rashid Sofi (Jiwaji University Gwalior, India), Rayees Ahmad Bhat (Jiwaji University Gwalior, India), Rabia Quadir (Jiwaji University Gwalior, India)and Javid Manzoor (Jiwaji University, India)
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 23
Source title: Handbook of Research on the Adverse Effects of Pesticide Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystems
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Khursheed Ahmad Wani (Government Degree College Bijbehara, India)and Mamta (Jiwaji University, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6111-8.ch015


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Large amounts of pesticides are used annually, and in some cases, a part of the pesticide enters the water bodies by surface runoff to form long-term residues. In the recent past, the adverse effects of pesticides on the environment and human health received serious attention by the public and the competent authorities. Various conventional methods are used to remove these pesticides from water, but those methods are either costly or typical in operation. Therefore, adsorption is considered as an ecofriendly method. The adsorbent derived from biomaterial is considered an encouraging adsorbent due to its cost-effective and high adsorption capacity. In this chapter, detailed information on different types of pesticides, their metabolites, environmental concerns, and present status on degradation methods using adsorbents will be reviewed. This chapter presents a comprehensive overview on the recent advancement in the utilization of different adsorbents for the removal of pesticides. Overall, this study assists researchers to move forward in exploring a simple and economically viable technique to produce adsorbents with outstanding physiochemical properties and excellent adsorption capacity, so that the pesticides can be removed from aquatic ecosystem.

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