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Pesticides and Their Impact on Aquatic Microorganisms

Pesticides and Their Impact on Aquatic Microorganisms
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Author(s): Riyes Un Aziz (Government (Model, Autonomous) Holkar Science College, India)and Sameena (PMB Gujarati Science College, India)
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 19
Source title: Handbook of Research on the Adverse Effects of Pesticide Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystems
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Khursheed Ahmad Wani (Government Degree College Bijbehara, India)and Mamta (Jiwaji University, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6111-8.ch009


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Microorganisms are the most dominant natives of aquatic ecosystems, where they fulfill very specific roles in primary productivity, decomposition, and nutrient cycling. Microorganisms get naturally exposed to pesticides in aquatic environments by the direct and indirect supply. The microorganism can make use of components entering the environment as feeding substrate for building material or a source of energy thus affecting balance in the ecosystem. Natural population possesses a number of responses to these contaminants, and quickest reaction has been reported from the microorganisms. Pesticides may affect the population dynamics by controlling individual reproduction, survival, and by changing sex ratio. The following patterns are recognized as effects of pesticides at the ecosystem and community levels like an increase of species richness reduction of energy transfer efficiency from primary producers to top predators. Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to review the significance of pesticides and their effects on aquatic microorganism and to study their ecological significance.

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