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Information Resources Management Association
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Pre-Service Language Teachers' Experiences in the Digital Storytelling Process

Pre-Service Language Teachers' Experiences in the Digital Storytelling Process
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Author(s): Melih Derya Gürer (Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey)
Copyright: 2020
Pages: 26
Source title: IT Issues in Higher Education: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Lazarus Ndiku Makewa (Center for Research Implications and Practice, Kenya)and Baraka Manjale Ngussa (University of Arusha, Tanzania)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1029-2.ch005


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This study investigated pre-service language teachers' experiences and capabilities in digital storytelling (DST) about creating digital stories and their views on the use of DST in language teaching. A case study design was adopted. Eighty-three pre-service teachers participated in the study, and they created 25 digital stories. Data of this study came from the evaluation of digital stories and open-ended questionnaire. Pre-service teachers' digital stories were analyzed using rubrics and subjected to descriptive statistics. Moreover, the data from an open-ended questionnaire on pre-service teachers' perceptions regarding the DST in language teaching were analyzed using content analysis. The results revealed that despite being novice DST-developers, pre-service teachers were capable of creating digital stories. They reported that DST had the potential to enhance students' learning outcomes. In addition, they were eager to adopt DST in their future teaching. However, they complained that DST required too much time and effort with information and communication and pedagogical skills.

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