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Some Philosophical Reflections on Foundations of Sustainable Social Development

Some Philosophical Reflections on Foundations of Sustainable Social Development
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Author(s): Hakan Gundogdu (Gazi University, Turkey)
Copyright: 2010
Pages: 17
Source title: Sustainable Economic Development and the Influence of Information Technologies: Dynamics of Knowledge Society Transformation
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Muhammed Karatas (Mugla University, Turkey)and Mustafa Zihni Tunca (Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-709-1.ch002


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Sustainable social development cannot be fully understood apart from its cultural, moral, political, and educational foundations; and philosophy helps us to see it as a whole and to clearly comprehend its foundations. The main assumption behind that claim is that we can know what to do for realizing sustainable development if we actually know about specific or internal reasons for the fall of the societies and civilizations. This chapter begins with such an assumption and asserts that there must be four integrated foundations for any sustainable social development by benefiting from the views of Max Weber, Ibn Khaldun, Aristotle, John Dewey and some Ottoman Turkish philosophers: among those foundations are (1) effective working mentality grounded on culture, (2) strong ethical perspective including the virtues of moderation, friendship and sympathy, (3) flexible but stable social stratification which is based on middle class and positive competition, (4) effective state composed of solidarity, democracy and education of critical thinking. All those can, the author thinks, can be seen as parts of a sort of social liberalism rather than classical or neo-liberalism.

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