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STEM and Sustainability: Shaping Future Eco-Leaders

STEM and Sustainability: Shaping Future Eco-Leaders
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Author(s): Muna Jamel Awad (United Arab Emirates University, UAE), Noura Ali Mohamed Al Kaabi (Emirates Schools Establishment, UAE)and Maymoona Abdulla Al Awadhi (Emirates Schools Establishment, UAE)
Copyright: 2025
Pages: 24
Source title: Legal Frameworks and Educational Strategies for Sustainable Development
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Enas Mohammed Alqodsi (Department of Private Law, United Arab Emirates University, UAE)and Asma Khaleel Abdallah (Sharjah Education Academy, UAE)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2987-0.ch014


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STEM education is uniquely important to prepare the students for success as it helps in developing several skills that are pertinent for future jobs. STEM courses especially engineering and technology enables the students to get engaged in hands-on-projects wherein they not only build a simple robot or engine but also can integrate technologies that can assist in running sustainability programs effectively. In this context, the current chapter attempts to integrate STEM subjects and sustainability in main education for the purpose of developing eco-leaders. The study in this realm states the importance of integrating sustainability topics in STEM and how the use of different technologies and innovation can help in sustaining the environment. The chapter further identifies the barriers which education institutions experience while integrating sustainability concepts in STEM education.

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