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The Contribution of Values Education to Increasing Disaster Awareness of Primary School Students

The Contribution of Values Education to Increasing Disaster Awareness of Primary School Students
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Author(s): Bekir Tastan (Kastamonu University, Turkey)
Copyright: 2023
Pages: 13
Source title: Global Perspectives on Value Education in Primary School
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Aytekin Demircioğlu (Kastamonu University, Turkey)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9295-6.ch008


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Disasters cause great damage worldwide every year. A conscious and scientific strategy should be used to reduce the damage. Disaster management ensures the successful completion of the process. If people want to manage disasters properly, they must act diligently at every stage of disaster management. These tasks can be fulfilled by vigilant, responsible, and educated individuals. Disaster awareness can be increased with the support of education. Primary school is the most memorable period of education. In this period, disaster education is not included in the curriculum. Teaching values in the curriculum can play an important role in increasing disaster awareness in this period. This study shows how values education and disaster awareness are integrated in primary schools. In the first part of the study, disasters are mentioned. In the following sections, the contribution of disaster education and values education to disaster awareness is discussed.

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