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Water Purification Using Different Chemical Treatment

Water Purification Using Different Chemical Treatment
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Author(s): Rupali Rastogi (ITM University, India)
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 30
Source title: Handbook of Research on the Adverse Effects of Pesticide Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystems
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Khursheed Ahmad Wani (Government Degree College Bijbehara, India)and Mamta (Jiwaji University, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6111-8.ch019


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Water from surface sources is often contaminated by microbes, whereas groundwater is normally safer, but even groundwater can be contaminated by harmful chemicals from human activities or from the natural environment. The purification process of water may reduce the concentration of particulate matter including suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, and a range of dissolved and particulate material derived from the surfaces. Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, materials, and biological contaminants from contaminated water. Most water is purified for human consumption (drinking water), but water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes, such as medical, pharmacology, chemical, and industrial applications. In general, the methods used include physical processes such as filtration and sedimentation, biological processes such as slow sand filters or activated sludge, chemical processes such as flocculation and chlorination, and the use of electromagnetic radiation such as ultraviolet light.

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