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International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM)

International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM)
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Dorel Dusmanescu (Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania), Andrei Jean-Vasile (Romanian Academy, National Institute for Economic Research "Costin C. Kiriţescu", Bucharest, Romania)and Gheorghe H. Popescu (Sfântul Pantelimon Emergency Hospital, Romania)
Published: Continuous Volume
Copyright: ©2012
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEM
ISSN: 2160-9659
EISSN: 2160-9667


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The International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM) publishes analysis, research papers, and essays that examine issues of major economic importance for academics and the business community. In the global context of new market economies, economic development is a complex subject for researchers. Despite visible progress, the economy faces new challenges in reaching social stability and economic efficiency. The subsequent economic structures and evolutions decision makers to develop new type of economies called "sustainable economies". Sustainable economies are based on modern principles of environmental sustainability and protection, a new market philosophy, minimal state involvement, and private propriety. This journal provides an interactive environment for analyzing and scientifically debating economic problems regarding the sustainable economy in a global world, bringing together academicians, researchers, scholars, and practitioners.


Volume 12, Issue 1
Volume 11, Issue 1
Volume 10, Issue 4
Volume 10, Issue 3
Volume 10, Issue 2
Volume 10, Issue 1
Volume 9, Issue 4
Volume 9, Issue 3
Volume 9, Issue 2
Volume 9, Issue 1
Volume 8, Issue 4
Volume 8, Issue 3
Volume 8, Issue 2
Volume 8, Issue 1
Volume 7, Issue 4
Volume 7, Issue 3
Volume 7, Issue 2
Volume 7, Issue 1
Volume 6, Issue 4
Volume 6, Issue 3
Volume 6, Issue 2
Volume 6, Issue 1
Volume 5, Issue 4
Volume 5, Issue 3
Volume 5, Issue 2
Volume 5, Issue 1
Volume 4, Issue 4
Volume 4, Issue 3
Volume 4, Issue 2
Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 4
Volume 3, Issue 3
Volume 3, Issue 2
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 4
Volume 2, Issue 3
Volume 2, Issue 2
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 4
Volume 1, Issue 3
Volume 1, Issue 2
Volume 1, Issue 1


The International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM) is a scholarly journal devoted to the publication of high quality theoretical and empirical articles, essays, and research in all areas of theoretical and applied economics and management. These include, but are not limited to, the following aspects: microeconomics and macroeconomics, business management, resources economics, agribusiness, and resources economics. The mission of the journal is to bring together those interested in promoting a research environment for developing sustainable and fully functional state economies.

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