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International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC)

International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC)
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Francesco Rotondo (Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy)and Nicola Martinelli (Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy)
Published: Continuous Volume
Copyright: ©2020
DOI: 10.4018/IJUPSC
ISSN: 2644-1659
EISSN: 2644-1667


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The International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC) is a peer-reviewed journal for researchers, academics, practitioners, and emerging scholars to publish their established results and new insights within the field of urban planning and digital transformation of cities. Triple sustainability of urban innovations (i.e. social, economic, and environmental sustainability) is the core of this editorial initiative.

Urban Planning addresses the design of cities and urban spaces in a multiple scale vision, and other important challenges of our time such as housing and shrinking cities to create high quality of life and social and economic opportunities for people.

Smart City addresses the key technological enablers of the new innovations that meet the needs and preferences of people. Linking and addressing these two topics together provides us the unprecedented opportunity to adopt an interdisciplinary approach to dissemination of novel practices for the sustainable development of our cities. The journal adopts the innovative lens of the complex, digital, and systemic cities, linking theory to practice.


Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 2
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 2
Volume 1, Issue 1


The issues related to the growth of the urban population or, on the contrary, to shrinking cities are among the most important challenges of our time. The bulk of non-renewable resource consumption occurs in cities; this implies that cities are the first place where the innovations which must guide us towards a new model of sustainability must be experimented.

To pursue the final aim of identifying, and to put these innovations at work, due to rapid growth and continuous changes of cities, the policy and planning instruments as well as the use of new technologies and their application need to constantly adapt.

The International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities provides researchers and practitioners the perfect arena to analyze these changes, and to propose cutting-edge innovations through the urban planning and digital transformation disciplines. In particular, the journal aims at investigating the possibilities enabled by the connection between the two disciplines, the benefits, the difficulties/criticalities or the lesson learnt from past experiences and the possible future strategies.

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