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Developing an Assessment Plan for the Arts and Sciences Division of a Comprehensive Community College

Author(s): Annette E. Smith (West Texas Plains College, USA)and Stephanie J. Jones (Texas Tech University, USA)
Copyright: 2012
Pages: 15
EISBN13: 9781466610002


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Assessment of student learning outcomes at institutions of higher learning has become a strategic initiative as accountability discussions continue to stir within the academic environment. This case study looks at the various aspects of developing, implementing, and evaluating an assessment plan for the Arts and Sciences division of a comprehensive community college. Discussions include how to instill an “assessment” focus within an institution, the importance of identifying appropriate leadership and establishing assessment committees, how to get faculty buy in, how to develop an assessment plan, how to utilize technology for data collection and analysis, and how to continuously improve assessment activities, are all explored. The institution of discussion has completed the first two years of its four-year assessment process. The case study reflects on the first two years of the process.

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