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Developing a Teacher Training Technology Workshop Series

Author(s): Paul Joseph Stengel (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA)
Copyright: 2013
Pages: 18
EISBN13: 9781466643987


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During the summer of 2010, a graduate school of education (GSE) at a leading research university launched a 14-month teacher residency program (TRP) aimed at producing high quality teachers for urban schools that need them the most. Guided by a framework of inclusive education (Hamre & Oyler, 2004), residents were scheduled to complete various components of teachers education, including a technology component designed to familiarize residents in the use of new media web technologies to purposefully enhance teaching and learning. The educational technologist (ET) charged with the development of the workshops for this program decided to focus on helping residents think about meaningful methods to teach for understanding with technology. The framework supplies a flexible set of guidelines that help developing teachers see how technology may provide “significant educational leverage” (Wiske et al., 2005). Although this approach has been successful for building a framework for the workshops, a series of challenges have developed that must be addressed before proceeding to the training of the next cohort. These challenges include providing time for residents to practice new skills taught during the workshop sessions, solving the varied access to up-to-date technologies in under-resourced urban school classroom placements, identifying and harnessing technology platforms that are ubiquitous, inexpensive, and accessible to stakeholders inside and outside the university system, and maintaining workshop sessions that are relevant to the theory taught in various tracks of the TRP. This case study outlines the instructional design process the ET used to approach the development of the workshops for the technology component of the TRP.

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