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Harnessing Art as a Catalyst to Environmental Awareness

Author(s): Farheen Mahmood (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA)and Saroash Ali (Independent Researcher, Pakistan)
Copyright: 2024
Pages: 21
EISBN13: 9798369391457


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Environmental awareness is crucial for ensuring a sustainable future. This chapter presents how fostering environmental awareness in children is important for securing a safe Mother Earth for future generations. This chapter showcases an initiative implemented through an art-integrated project for environmental awareness across three public schools in Lahore, Pakistan. Beyond strengthening academic and creative skills besides social-emotional learning (SEL), the program also cultivated a deep sense of environmental responsibility in students, teachers, and administrators. Olomopolo Media (Pakistan) launched the global “River of Hope” British Council program to raise awareness about rivers and their deep connection to the cities they flow through. This program used traditional printmaking to raise awareness about river Ravi's problems. It focused on inspiring action for its restoration by presenting the power of art for environmental causes resulting in the culmination of a student-created printmaking exhibition displayed during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in England.

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