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The Crossroads that Were Never Meant to Be: An Account of Promises and Challenges in an Orphan's Empowerment Journey

Author(s): Oitshepile MmaB Modise (University of Botswana, Botswana)and Rebecca Nthogo Lekoko (University of Botswana, Botswana)
Copyright: 2015
Pages: 17
EISBN13: 9781466688704


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Today's world faces challenges of increased number of orphans. In Botswana, HIV/AIDS scourge widens figures and poverty increases vulnerability. Beyond existing empowerment supporting schemes, and policies, orphans are responsible for complementing government's efforts. In this chapter, the orphan had hoped for economic empowerment through his old barber shop. His hope was drowned when he got a kiosk instead of barber equipment. The kiosk in his yard stands as a promise of government support, on the other hand, it is a symbol of no voice and choice over improvement of his future life. Challenges to improvement include government's prescriptive procedures and bureaucracy. These challenges have in turn created self-doubt, bitterness and a feeling of betrayal on his part. This chapter illustrates that for empowerment strategies to succeed, there should be synergy between beneficiaries' needs and government support. Monitoring too is an essential part of successful practices.

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