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The Introduction, Current State, and Policies for the Future of Environmental Education in Curricula and Educational Institutions in Bangladesh: Perspectives From Policies and Practice

Author(s): A. N. Bushra (University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh), Shorif Mollah (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy)and Farzana Akter Munni (University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh)
Copyright: 2024
Pages: 31
EISBN13: 9798369391518


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The climate over the Earth's surface has remarkably been affected by various inconsiderate usages of natural resources and human-made disasters worldwide, such as substantial growth of fossil fuel consumption and coal-energy-dependent infrastructures, abundant use of synthetic materials, and the absence of environment-friendly technologies and solutions. In addition, in recent years, people seem to be more indulged in hyper-consumerism, quickly changeable products and fashion, and unsustainable urban design and living habits, which generates more waste and gives birth to numerous complex environmental problems. For the last few decades, the delicate balance of the Earth's ecosystems has continued to face constant threats, ranging from the profound impacts of climate change to the depletion of biodiversity and the severe consequences of pollution.

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