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Shaping the Future Through Standardization

Shaping the Future Through Standardization
Author(s)/Editor(s): Kai Jakobs (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Copyright: ©2020
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2181-6
ISBN13: 9781799821816
ISBN10: 1799821811
EISBN13: 9781799821830


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Quality assurance is an essential aspect for ensuring the success of corporations worldwide. Consistent quality requirements across organizations of similar types ensure that these requirements can be accurately and easily evaluated.

Shaping the Future Through Standardization is an essential scholarly book that examines quality and standardization within diverse organizations globally with a special focus on future perspectives, including how standards and standardization may shape the future. Featuring a wide range of topics such as economics, pedagogy, and management, this book is ideal for academicians, researchers, decision makers, policymakers, managers, corporate professionals, and students.

Author's/Editor's Biography

Kai Jakobs (Ed.)
Kai Jakobs joined RWTH Aachen University’s Computer Science Department in 1985. His current research interests focus on various aspects of ICT standards and the underlying standardization process. Over time, he (co)- authored/edited a text book on communication networks and, more recently, seventeen books on ICT standardization. More than 200 of his papers have been published in conference proceedings, books, and journals. He has been on the program committee and editorial board of numerous international conferences and journals, respectively, and has served as an external expert on evaluation panels of various European R&D programs, on both technical and socio-economic issues. He is also Vice President of the European Academy for Standardisation (EURAS). Kai holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh and is a Certified Standards Professional.


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