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Effects of Color and Gender on the Perceived Attractiveness of Websites
As the World Wide Web continues to grow in popularity, currently estimated to exceed 1.2 billion users (Nielsen 2005), websites have become core extensions of a business practice rather than a consideration of a new channel (Ravi 2005). Companies seek new insights on how to create more effective websites and entice online customers. Extensive literature exists on the acceptance of a new technology, but the former has centered on utility-related dimensions that drive this acceptance. Limited research exists on the hedonic dimensions of HCI and their relevance to usability and an even smaller set of this research is empirical in nature (Zhang and Li 2005). Furthermore, it appears that there are gender differences regarding perceptions of attractiveness, usability, and the consequent affective state of satisfaction, in website design. However, more research is needed to understand the nature of such differences as in most past studies there were many confounded design variables. Thus, this research-in-progress aims to address the above gap by studying the effects of color and gender on the perceived attractiveness of websites.