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Improving Access to E-Government Processes

Improving Access to E-Government Processes
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Author(s): Norbert Kuhn (University of Applied Sciences Trier, Germany), Stefan Naumann (University of Applied Sciences Trier, Germany)and Stefan Richter (University of Applied Sciences Trier, Germany)
Copyright: 2007
Pages: 2
Source title: Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications with Information Technology
Source Editor(s): Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Information Resources Management Association, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-929-8.ch291
ISBN13: 9781599049298
EISBN13: 9781466665378


Much effort is spent in governmental institutions to provide citizens with access to government processes. However, still there are a lot of steps in theses processes that rely on the exchange of printed paper. This is a problem for all people who have difficulties to read, among them humans with visual impairments, elderly people or immigrants. In this paper we present the FABEGG-System which allows to transform either electronic or paper based documents, particularly forms into a representation that can be read by a computer and after that it provides the possibility to guide the citizen through a document or form. Thus, FABEGG improves acces-sibility for many E-Government processes.

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