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Information Resources Management Association
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Getting Teachers to use New Technology by just Giving them Time

Author(s): Terry Haydn (University of East Anglia, UK)and Roy Barton (University of East Anglia, UK)
Copyright: 2010
Pages: 13
EISBN13: 9781613500026


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The outcomes of this project suggest that in the area of developing teachers’ use of ICT in subject teaching, simply providing support for teachers, in the form of time to explore the potential of ICT, to meet together to discuss ICT in subject groupings, and freedom to focus on their preferred ICT agendas, may be a more effective way forward than prescribing lists of required competences and providing generic ‘training’ type courses. This goes against the grain in an era characterised by ‘top-down’, centrally directed national strategies, high levels of accountability and auditing of teachers, and ‘coverage’ models of competence (Ball, 2003), but given the disappointingly sluggish and modest outcomes of such programmes, in the UK and elsewhere, such approaches may be worth exploring more extensively.

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