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Appropriating Zoom to Provide Access to One-to-One Writing Support

Appropriating Zoom to Provide Access to One-to-One Writing Support
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Author(s): Chris Harwood (Sophia University, Japan)
Copyright: 2023
Pages: 21
Source title: Handbook of Research on Innovative Frameworks and Inclusive Models for Online Learning
Source Author(s)/Editor(s): Jared Keengwe (University of North Dakota, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9072-3.ch010


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This chapter explores the design and deployment of online writing centers (OWCs) to cater to the evolving needs of diverse undergraduate and graduate student populations. Leveraging platforms such as ZOOM, OWCs provide effective writing support, especially for individuals facing challenges with in-person services. The chapter discusses the historical integration of technology in writing centers, writing center pedagogy, and highlights ZOOM's pedagogical benefits. It also emphasizes the significance of webforms for streamlining administrative processes and supporting self-regulated learning. Insights regarding how to engage students in writing consultations are discussed alongside the evaluation of the effectiveness of OWCs in beta testing. The purpose of the chapter is to empower educators in establishing OWCs in their contexts, which are tailored to promote accessibility and effective online learning for their students.

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