Paralleling the dynamic maturation of far-reaching distributed information and computing technologies has been an accelerated demand by citizens for electronic access to government services. Conversely, government administrators and officials have driven themselves to harness the cost, quality, and efficiency benefits that electronic service delivery offers. Profoundly traversing all facets of compound societies, electronic government implicates and impacts information science, political science, civic relations, electronic justice, security and privacy ethics, government-to-government interactions, and information policy.
During this period of time numerous researchers, academicians, and government officials have developed
a variety of techniques, methodologies, and measurement tools that have allowed them to develop,
deliver and at the same time evaluate the effectiveness of several areas of electronic government. The
explosion of these technologies and methodologies have created an abundance of new, state-of-art literature
related to all aspects of this expanding discipline, allowing researchers, citizens, and government
officials to learn about the latest discoveries in the field of electronic government.
Due to rapid technological changes that are continually taking place, it is a constant challenge for
researchers and experts in this discipline to stay abreast of the far-reaching effects of this worldwide
expansion, and to be able to develop and deliver more innovative methodologies and techniques utilizing
new technological innovation. In order to provide the most comprehensive, in-depth, and recent
coverage of all issues related to this global phenomenon, as well as to offer a single reference source
on all conceptual, methodological, technical and managerial issues, as well as the opportunities, future
challenges and emerging trends related to electronic government, Information Science Reference is
pleased to offer a six-volume reference collection on this rapidly growing discipline, in order to empower
students, researchers, academicians, and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the most
critical areas within this field of study.
Entitled “Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications,” this collection
is organized in eight distinct sections, providing the most wide-ranging coverage of topics such as:
(1) Fundamental Concepts and Theories; (2) Development and Design Methodologies; (3) Tools and
Technologies; (4) Utilization and Application; (5) Organizational and Social Implications; (6) Managerial
Impact; (7) Critical Issues; and (8) Emerging Trends. The following provides a summary of what
is covered in each section of this multi volume reference collection:
Section 1, Fundamental Concepts and Theories, serves as a foundation for this extensive reference tool
by addressing crucial theories essential to the understanding of electronic government. Chapters such
as, “E-Government in the Information Society,” by Lech W. Zacher, as well as, “Electronic Signature:
The Core Legislation Category in Digital Economy,” by Fjodor Ruzic, provide an excellent framework
in which to position electronic government within the field of information science and technology.
“Teledemocracy,” by Ted Becker, offers excellent insight into the critical incorporation of electronic,
interactive communications into government, while chapters, such as, “Introducing Mobile Government,”
by M. Halid Kuscu, Ibrahim Kushchu, and Betty Yu, address some of the basic, yet principle stumbling
blocks of issues within electronic government. With over 38 chapters comprising this foundational
section, the reader can learn and chose from a compendium of expert research on the elemental theories
underscoring the electronic government discipline.
Section 2, Development and Design Methodologies, provides in-depth coverage of conceptual
architecture frameworks to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the emerging
technological developments within the field of electronic government. “E-Government Development and
Implementation,” by Wayne Huang, Yining Chen, and K. L. Wang, offers research fundamentals imperative
to the understanding of research and developmental processes within electronic government. From
broad examinations to specific discussions on electronic government such as, Mohamed Ally’s “Design
of Government Information for Access by Wireless Mobile Technology,” the research found within this
section spans the discipline while offering detailed, specific discussions. From basic designs to abstract
development, chapters, such as “If You Build a Political Web Site, Will They Come?,” by Pippa Norris
and John Curtice, serve to expand the reaches of development and design technologies within the electronic
government community. This section includes over 40 contributions from researchers throughout
the world on the topic of electronic government within the information science and technology field.
Section 3, Tools and Technologies, presents an extensive coverage of various tools and technologies
available in the field of electronic government that practitioners and academicians alike can utilize to
develop different techniques. Chapters, such as Paulo Roberto Santhias and Regis Cabral’s, “Electronic
Voting Machine,” enlighten readers about fundamental research on one of the many methods in which
citizens impact the electronic government community, whereas chapters, like “Radio Frequency Identification
Technology in Digital Government,” by Les Pang, explore the use of RFID in various governments—
an increasingly pertinent research arena. It is through these rigorously researched chapters that
the reader is provided with countless examples of the up-and-coming tools and technologies emerging
from governmental information technology. With more than 40 chapters, this section offers a broad
treatment of some of the many tools and technologies within the electronic government community.
Section 4, Utilization and Application, discusses a variety of applications and opportunities available
that can be considered by practitioners in developing viable and effective government programs and
processes. This section includes more than 50 chapters, such as “Application for Comprehensive E-Government,”
by Thomas Müllner and Dominik Grimm, which review how the growing distribution and the
increasing maturity of electronic government applications pose new issues. Additional chapters, such as
Ryad Titah and Henri Barki’s, “E-Government Adoption and Acceptance: A Literature Review,” provide
a foundation towards the development of a theoretical framework for the implementation of electronic
government systems via extensive literature review. Also considered in this section is the development
of an integrated framework of intentions towards repeated use with a level of confidential information
shared by a user as one factor and electronic government satisfaction derived from service performance
as another factor as outlined by Sangmi Chai, T. C. Herath, I. Park, and H. R. Rao, in “Repeated Use
of E-Gov Web Sites: A Satisfaction and Confidentiality Perspective.” Contributions included in this
section provide excellent coverage of today’s electronic government community and how research into
information technology is impacting the social fabric of our present-day global village.
Section 5, Organizational and Social Implications, includes a wide range of research pertaining to
the social and organizational impact of electronic government in information technologies around the
world. Introducing this section is Simon Rogerson’s chapter entitled, “Aspects of Social Responsibility
in the Information Society.” This chapter illustrates what types of social responsibility issues need
to be addressed, who must address them, and how they might be addressed, while discussing some of
the basic aspects of social responsibility and the implications for the Information Society, drawing, in
particular, from Corporate Social Responsibility. Additional chapters included in this section, such as,
“User Attitudes to E-Government Citizen Services in Europe,” by Jeremy Millard, provide important
information on the role that the Internet is now playing in the delivery and take-up of government services
by European citizens. Also investigating a concern within the field of electronic government and citizen
concern is Ioannis P. Chochliouros and Anastasia S. Spiliopoulou-Chochliourou’s, “Exploiting Public
Sector Information through Innovative E-Government Policies.” With over 38 chapters, the discussions
presented in this section offer research on the integration of electronic government and computational
access for all.
Section 6, Managerial Impact, presents contemporary coverage of the social implications of electronic
government, more specifically related to the corporate and managerial utilization of information
technologies and applications, and how these technologies can be facilitated within organizations.
Core ideas such as training and continuing education of human resources in modern organizations are
discussed through these chapters. “E-CRM and Managerial Discretion,” by Tim Coltman and Sara Dolnicar,
utilize segmentation techniques to identify significant differences in managerial beliefs and then
associate these belief segments with e-CRM performance. Equally as crucial, chapters, such as “Changing
IT skills: The Impact of Sourcing Strategies on In-House Capability Requirements,” by Christine
V. Bullen, Thomas Abraham, Kevin Gallagher, Kate M. Kaiser, and Judith Simon, analyze the results
of a survey conducted in 2005, in which IT executives were asked to describe the skills they felt were
critical to keep in house now and in 2008. Concluding this section is a chapter by Janis L. Gogan and
Arnold Kamis, “A Not Quite Bountiful Thanksgiving at BizE.” This case examines the strategic positioning
of BizE (disguised) an e-commerce start-up that serves small online businesses via an Internet
portal. During an economic downturn, BizE encounters difficulties with its new private-label strategy.
With cash running dangerously low, executives reassess the new strategy and consider what they can
do to ensure the company’s survival.
Section 7, Critical Issues, contains over 20 chapters addressing issues such as the digital public sphere,
electronic government in business adoption, information security, e-democracy, deliberative democracy,
and the digital rights managements process to name a few. Within the chapters, the reader is presented with
an in-depth analysis of the most current and relevant issues within this growing field of study. Elizabeth
Buchanan and James Campbell’s, “New Threats to Intellectual Freedom: The Loss of the Information
Commons through Law and Technology in the US” explores the growing threats to intellectual freedom
through the loss of the information commons in the U.S. as a direct result of advances and changes in
technology and laws, while “The Critical Role of Digital Rights Management Process,” by Margherita
Pagani, analyzes the impact generated by the adoption of Digital Rights Management (DRM) processes
on the typical Digital Media Management Value Chain activitie, while also analyzing the processes in
the context of the business model. Crucial questions are addressed, such as that presented in Jeffrey
Roy’s chapter, “Service, Security, Transparency & Trust: Government Online or Governance Renewal
in Canada?,” which examines the main conceptual dimensions of electronic government and critically
assess both the current responses and future prospects of Canada’s public sector. “Local Democracy
Online: An Analysis of Local Government Web Sites in England and Wales,” by Lawrence Pratchett,
Melvin Wingfield, and Rabia Karakaya Polat, closes this section by analyzing the extent to which local
authorities in England and Wales have responded to the e-democracy agenda by examining their Web
sites and assessing their potential to deliver democracy.
The concluding section of this authoritative reference tool, Emerging Trends, highlights research
potential within the field of electronic government, while exploring uncharted areas of study for the
advancement of the discipline. Introducing this section is a chapter entitled, “A Brave New E-World?
An Exploratory Analysis of Worldwide E-Government Readiness, Level of Democracy, Corruption
and Globalization,” by Zlatko J. Kovacic which sets the stage for future research directions and topical
suggestions for continued debate. Providing an alternative view of electronic government is the chapter,
“E-Government as a New Frontier for Legal Theory,” by Keith Culver. This chapter explores issues in
Internet governance and personal privacy, which dominate legal theory’s engagement with electronic
government, while e-engagement of citizens plays an increasingly important yet still limited role in
governments’ interaction with citizens. Another debate which currently finds itself at the forefront of
research within this field is presented by Valerie A.J. Frissen’s research. “The E-mancipation of the Citizen
and the Future of E-Government: Reflections on ICT and Citizens’ Partnership” considers the notion of
the e-mancipated citizen against the background of current trends in social and political participation of
citizens. Found, in these chapters concluding this exhaustive multi-volume set, are areas of emerging
trends and suggestions for future research within this rapidly expanding discipline.
Although the primary organization of the contents in this multi-volume is based on its eight sections,
offering a progression of coverage of the important concepts, methodologies, technologies, applications,
social issues, and emerging trends, the reader can also identify specific contents by utilizing the extensive
indexing system listed at the end of each volume. Furthermore to ensure that the scholar, researcher
and educator have access to the entire contents of this multi-volume set as well as additional coverage
that could not be included in the print version of this publication, the publisher will provide unlimited
multi-user electronic access to the online aggregated database of this collection for the life of edition, free
of charge when a library purchases a print copy. This aggregated database provides far more contents
than what can be included in the print version in addition to continual updates. This unlimited access,
coupled with the continuous updates to the database ensures that the most current research is accessible
to knowledge seekers.
Electronic government as a discipline has witnessed fundamental changes during the past two decades,
allowing information seekers around the globe to have access to information which two decades ago,
was inaccessible. In addition to this transformation, many traditional organizations and business enterprises
have taken advantage of the technologies offered by the development of electronic government
technologies in order to expand and augment their existing programs and practices. This has allowed
practitioners and researchers to serve their customers, employees and stakeholders more effectively and
efficiently in the modern virtual world. With continued technological innovations in information and
communication technology and with on-going discovery and research into newer and more innovative
techniques and applications, the electronic government discipline will continue to witness an explosion
of information within this rapidly growing field.
The diverse and comprehensive coverage of electronic government in this six-volume authoritative
publication will contribute to a better understanding of all topics, research, and discoveries in this developing,
significant field of study. Furthermore, the contributions included in this multi-volume collection
series will be instrumental in the expansion of the body of knowledge in this enormous field, resulting
in a greater understanding of the fundamentals while fueling the research initiatives in emerging fields.
We at Information Science Reference, along with the editor of this collection, and the publisher hope
that this multi-volume collection will become instrumental in the expansion of the discipline and will
promote the continued growth of electronic government.